Further Literature and Research
Irle, David (2021)
Décarboner la culture: Les nouveaux défis face au dérèglement climatique
König, Bernhard (2019)
Können Töne etwas ausrichten?
Randers, J., Rockström, J., Stoknes, P.E., Golüke, U., Collste, D., Cornell, S. (2018):
Transformation is feasible - How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries. A report to the Club of Rome from Stockholm Resilience Centre and BI Norwegian Business School.
Lenton, Timothy M. and Bruno Latour (2018):
Gaia 2.0. Could humans add some level of self-awareness to Earth’s self-regulation?
In: Science Magazine, Vol 361: 6047, pp. 1066-68. http://www.bruno-latour.fr/sites/default/files/158-SCIENCE_LENTON-pdf.pdf
Albrecht, Glen (2017):
Mourning Nature. Hope at the Heart of Ecological Loss & Grief.
McGill-Queen's University Press 2017
(books.google Excerpt / table of contents)
Hawkins, H. and Kanngieser, A. (2017):
Artful climate change communication: overcoming abstractions, insensibilities, and distances.
WIREs Climate Change, Volume8, Issue 5, September/October 2017, e472.
Kanngieser, Anja (2015):
Geopolitics and the Anthropocene: Five Propositions for Sound
In: GeoHumanities, Volume 1, 2015 - Issue 1, 80-85.
Leonardson, Eric (2015)
Acoustic Ecology and Ethical Listening.
The Conrad Grebel Review 33, no. 2 (Spring 2015)
Daston, Lorraine; Fehrenbach, Frank (Hg) (2018)
Gegen die Natur.
Matthes&Seitz Verlag, Berlin
(Verlagswebseite mit Kurzinfo)
Haraway, Donna (2016)
Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene
Duke University Press, Durham, London
(Publisher’s website with brief information)
Haraway, Donna (1991)
Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature
Routledge, New York
(Publisher’s website with brief information)
Ghosh, Amitav (2016)
The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London
(Publisher’s website with brief information)
Latour, Bruno; Weibel, Peter; ZKM (2020)
Critical Zones: The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth
Latour, Bruno (2018)
Das terrestrische Manifest (German)
(Verlagswebseite mit Kurzinfo)
Latour, Bruno (2021)
Wo bin ich? Lektionen aus dem Lockdown (German)
(Verlagswebseite mit Kurzinfo)
Latour, Bruno (1993)
We have never been modern
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
(Publisher’s website with brief information)
Scholz, Leander (2022)
Die Regierung der Natur (German)
Ökologie und politische Ordnung
August Verlag
Magazine / Zeitschrift:
Die Dritte Natur (Geman)
König, Bernhard
Der wohltemperierte Regenwurm. Zur Naturbeziehung digitaler Musik
Zur Naturbeziehung digitaler Musik | MusikTexte 171 – November 2021