Literatur und Ressourcen zur Nachhaltigkeit in der zeitgenössischen Musik

Time to Listen 2022

7 October, 2022 | field notes

Genese und Partner

Diese ständig wachsende Liste von Links und Literaturempfehlungen soll allen Interessierten helfen, sich einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Initiativen, Institutionen, politischen Beschlüsse und Empfehlungen aus der Forschungsliteratur zu verschaffen. Diese Liste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, sondern ist vielmehr als Ausgangspunkt gedacht. Wenn du Initiativen oder spannende Forschungsprojekte kennst, die sich für Nachhaltigkeit im Kulturbereich einsetzen, fügen wir diese gerne der Liste hinzu.

Culture and Sustainable Development

Culture & Sustainable Development – Powering Culture across Public Policies

Culture in the Sustainable Development Goals: A Guide for Local Actions (2018)
United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)

Culture in, for and as Sustainable Development 
Conclusions from the COST Action IS1007 Investigating Cultural Sustainability (2015)
Edited by Joost Dessein, Katriina Soini, Graham Fairclough and Lummina Horlings

INSPIRADOR. A Guideline for Sustainable Cultural Management (2015)
Goethe-Institut Sao Paulo
Isabel Hölzl, Jonaya De Castro, Laura Sobray, Lorena Vicini,1734

Culture-Sustainability Relation: Towards a Conceptual Framework (2016)
by Katriina Soini and Joost Dessein 
In: Sustainability 2016, 8(2), 167

Special Issue "Sustainable Cultural Management" (2019)
Sustainability 2019, 11(15), 4131;

Research Institutes/ Programms

IASS Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Potsdam

Sustainability and Arts Funding

Arts Council UK Environmental Program
Supporting Cultural Organisations and Individuals to lead the way in their approaches to environmental responsibility. Making environmental responsibility integral to how we work, where we work and who we work with.

Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German)
Einfach! Machen – Ein Kompass für ökologisch nachhaltiges produzieren im Kulturbereich

BKM Sustainability Report 2020 (German)
Overview of the wide range of activities of the BKM with which the sustainability goals of the UN are to be achieved

Project Funding - Goethe Institut (only for musicians based in Germany)
Sustainable Music Projects in Europe: To buck the trend of short-lived fast-paced music tours, this pilot project seeks to help professional performing artists develop sustainable approaches to touring and put them into practice in the form of a low-carbon concert tour. Besides sustainable travel, the idea is to promote exchange with local collaborators and make better, more intensive use of time spent in each location.

Best Practices – Institutions and Festivals

Göteborg Opera (Sweden)

Best Practices – Organisations and Collectives

Julie's Bicycle (UK)
a pioneering not-for-profit, mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis 

Solarpunk Manifesto
Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion, and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?”

und.Institut für Kunst, Kultur und Zukunftsfähigkeit e.V. (Germany)

Netzwerk freier Berliner Projekträume und -initiativen AG-Nachhaltigkeit (Germany)

FÄN - Für einen Fonds Ästhetik und Nachhaltigkeit (German)

The Shift Project (France)
The Shift Project is a French think tank advocating the shift to a post-carbon economy.

Renaissance Écologique (France)

Transitions 2050  (France)

Ecoprod (France)

Where to land (France, Germany)
embedding European performing arts in the New Climate Regime


The Colour Green - Julie’s Bicycle (UK)
connecting climate justice, race, power and inequality

#Klimadialoge – Nachhaltigkeitskultur im digitalen Zeitalter (Germany)
Discussions with representatives from the cultural sector, cultural policy, cultural institutions, associations, foundations and research institutions

Further Literature and Research

Irle, David (2021)
Décarboner la culture: Les nouveaux défis face au dérèglement climatique 

König, Bernhard (2019)
Können Töne etwas ausrichten?

Randers, J., Rockström, J., Stoknes, P.E., Golüke, U., Collste, D., Cornell, S. (2018):
Transformation is feasible - How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries. A report to the Club of Rome from Stockholm Resilience Centre and BI Norwegian Business School.

Lenton, Timothy M. and Bruno Latour (2018): 
Gaia 2.0. Could humans add some level of self-awareness to Earth’s self-regulation? 
In: Science Magazine, Vol 361: 6047, pp. 1066-68.

Albrecht, Glen (2017):
Mourning Nature. Hope at the Heart of Ecological Loss & Grief.
McGill-Queen's University Press 2017
( Excerpt / table of contents)

Hawkins, H. and Kanngieser, A. (2017):
Artful climate change communication: overcoming abstractions, insensibilities, and distances. 
WIREs Climate Change, Volume8, Issue 5, September/October 2017, e472. 

Kanngieser, Anja (2015):
Geopolitics and the Anthropocene: Five Propositions for Sound
In: GeoHumanities, Volume 1, 2015 - Issue 1, 80-85.

Leonardson, Eric (2015)
Acoustic Ecology and Ethical Listening. 
The Conrad Grebel Review 33, no. 2 (Spring 2015)

Daston, Lorraine; Fehrenbach, Frank (Hg) (2018) 
Gegen die Natur. 
Matthes&Seitz Verlag, Berlin
(Verlagswebseite mit Kurzinfo)

Haraway, Donna  (2016)
Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene
Duke University Press, Durham, London 
(Publisher’s website with brief information)

Haraway, Donna  (1991)
Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature
Routledge, New York
(Publisher’s website with brief information)

Ghosh, Amitav (2016)
The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London
(Publisher’s website with brief information)

Latour, Bruno; Weibel, Peter; ZKM (2020) 
Critical Zones: The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth

Latour, Bruno (2018) 
Das terrestrische Manifest (German)
(Verlagswebseite mit Kurzinfo)

Latour, Bruno (2021) 
Wo bin ich? Lektionen aus dem Lockdown (German)
(Verlagswebseite mit Kurzinfo)

Latour, Bruno (1993) 
We have never been modern 
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
(Publisher’s website with brief information)

Scholz, Leander (2022)
Die Regierung der Natur (German)
Ökologie und politische Ordnung
August Verlag

Magazine / Zeitschrift:
Die Dritte Natur (Geman)

König, Bernhard
Der wohltemperierte Regenwurm. Zur Naturbeziehung digitaler Musik
Zur Naturbeziehung digitaler Musik | MusikTexte 171 – November 2021

  • Nachhaltigkeit

For further reading


Licensed content
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Guides | Guide: Audience Mobility

Studies have shown that audience mobility is one of the main sources of CO₂ emissions in the cultural sector. This text explores innovative mobility concepts, shares experiences with measuring and implementing measures for sustainable audience travel and provides insights into the results ...

Foto aus dem Workshop

Video | Edoardo Micheli »Sonic Ecosystems and Listening Communities«

Starting from the latest developments in the field of ecoacoustics, this session includes a talk, a listening session and some sound imagination exercises on the inhabitation of ecosystems by acoustic communities that are constantly listening to each other.


Licensed content
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Guides | Development and Incorporation of Sustainability Guidelines

How can sustainability guidelines and mission statements establish a strong foundation for sustainability, cultural diversity, and climate protection? This text aims to provide insights on how music-makers and organisations in contemporary music can incorporate these tools into their work ...

Schriftzug der Allianz Foundation

Climate Cultures Call (Deadline: tba)

In order to be able to effectively counteract climate change, we need to change our mindset. What is needed are holistic approaches that take into account the connection between global warming and social climate – and from this obtain incentives for the urgently needed transformation of ou...

Hanna Grześkiewicz beim Vortrag ihrer Forschung

Video | Hanna Grześkiewicz: »Sounds of Resistance«