Travel grants for projects abroad
Senate Department for Culture and Europe
1 January, 2024
1 January, 2024
Grants are awarded for travel and transport in connection with outstanding projects abroad. Funding is available for projects by professional Berlin artists or groups from all artistic disciplines in cooperation with suitable foreign partners in international cultural exchange. The funding is intended for temporary, high-profile presentation formats with a public impact, e.g. exhibitions, concerts, and guest performances.
The grants are awarded for travel and transport costs for outstanding presentations by Berlin artists abroad. Grants of 500, 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, 4.000, 5.000, 6.000, 7.000 or 8.000 Euro can be applied for. A grant of more than 8.000 Euro may be awarded upon submission of a special justification.
The attachment ‘Reisende und Transport’ (Travellers and Transport) must be used. You can find the form for download here on the website.
The grants are awarded twice a year. Applications must be submitted by May 2 for the current year and October 17 for the following year.
Travel plans submitted by the application deadline of 2 May 2023 can take place in July 2023 at the earliest. Travel plans for 2024 should be submitted in the second round of applications, by 17 October 2023.
Please refer to the current version of the information sheet for more details on submitting an application.
Further information from the website of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin
When submitting your application, be sure to follow the further instructions in the current information sheet.