Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme

Society for Artistic Research in Germany (gkfd) with funds from the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

1 January, 2024

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The Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme supports and encourages artistic research across disciplines and dialogue between the artists and their projects. The programme was created in 2020 by the Society for Artistic Research in Germany (Gesellschaft für künstlerische Forschung in Deutschland, gkfd) with funds provided by Berlin’s Senate Office for Culture and Europe.

With this grant programme, Berlin’s Senate is responding to the growing interest in artistic research and the increasing role of art in knowledge and its transfer into society. Whereas in recent years PhD programmes for artists have been established at universities and art academies internationally, the Berlin Programme aims to facilitate research in the arts outside academic qualification programs.

Every two years, grants are awarded to thirteen research projects from all disciplines, with applications open to both individuals and groups. Each two-year grant comes with an annual stipend of €30,000. In addition, a public programme in Berlin will offer insights into the research projects; discussions and presentations will contribute to the on-going unfolding of research-based practices in the arts.

Call for applications for the funding years 2024/25

The call for applications for the funding years 2024/25 will be published on this website and via the newsletter of the Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme on 1 June 2023. At the same time, the dates for the information events will also be announced, where questions can be asked about the application process and the orientation of the programme.

The application deadline for the funding years 2024/25
is 31 July 2023.

The selection will be decided by an independent jury, which will announce its result at the end of October 2023.

Target group

The grants are for artists professionally engaged in artistic research who are pursuing a specific project or conducting basic research and who wish to actively contribute to the development of the field of artistic research. Individuals or groups/collectives are eligible to apply.


All applicants

  • have completed a course of artistic training or can document several years of professional artistic-scholarly activity in their field
  • are known for their artistic work, have made relevant contributions to the field of artistic research over a period of years, and can document this with examples of their work
  • are pursuing an artistic research project or basic research on artistic research
  • seek to become actively involved in shaping the programme’s public events
  • are not already receiving funding from the State of Berlin for the same project
  • live and work in Berlin
  • are not members of a university for the duration of the funding

Applications will not be accepted from members of the jury, members of the executive board of the Society for Artistic Research in Germany, or members of staff of Berlin’s Senate Office for Culture and Europe, nor from members of any such individual’s family.


We encourage applications by artists with disabilities and ask all candidates who would prefer an alternative to the written application procedure, or who require support, to contact us during the application period.

Further information on the funding programme can be found on the Society for Artistic Research in Germany website. (information partly available in English)



  • Berlin
  • Förderung
  • Stipendium
  • Artistic Research

For further reading

Marta Stankevica, CC BY 4.0 Woman_Writing_a_Letter

Guides | How do I write a funding application?

This guide on writing applications encourages you to view the process less as a necessary evil (which it undoubtedly is) and more as a way of refining your project's concept.

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