Sandeep Bhagwati »Curating Musicking as a Mode of Wakefulness in Interesting Times« Keynote
Curating Diversity in Europe. Decolonizing Contemporary Music
25. September 2020 | Ultima Festivals Oslo / Akademie der Künste / field notes
»In my talk, I want to stay close to the question of curating with decolonization and contemporary musicking in mind. But I am deeply convinced that all these aspects that have started to eat away at the once so magnificent cloud castle of contemporary eurological art music making are inseparable from each other – when we start to address one, we will time and again discover that we actually need to address all of them. In the Anthropocene, we must realize there is no outside for us to flee too, no separation we can sustain - that in fact there is nowhere humans can go to escape other humans, that the only thing we can do is to ›stay with the trouble‹ as Donna Haraway has put it.«