Funding and Applications

12 March, 2023 | field notes


The majority of the contemporary music scene in Germany is made up of players from the independent scene. Because of this, applying for funding is a major aspect of working in the field. Here we would like to give an overview of the funding system in Germany as well as guidance with the application process.


Grafik zum Thema

Guides | Guide to Public Project Funding in Germany

This introduction to public funding in Germany is part of our series on funding and the application process. Our guide provides an overview of the background and general framework for cultural funding in Germany, the specifics of German funding law and, in the final section, practical issu...

Marta Stankevica, CC BY 4.0 Woman_Writing_a_Letter

Guides | How do I write a funding application?

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Porträtaufnahme Hella Dunger-Löper

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