Time to Listen 2023

An Open Space on Sustainability in Contemporary Music

Time to Listen Wort-Bildmarke

On 19th and 20th August 2023, inm/field notes and the Academy of Arts were welcoming participants to the second part of the symposium »Time to Listen – Sustainability in Contemporary Music«. Through open discussions, expert presentations, and artistic contributions, the symposium explored issues surrounding the knowledge and agency within music and sound, and the extent to which engagement with sustainability influences the practice of composing and performing music.

The conference took place as part of the »Time to Listen« festival at the Academy of Arts, from 28th August to 3rd September, bringing together international artists who respond to the climate and environmental crisis through music. The festival presented different artistic perspectives that encourage reflection on our relationship to the environment, technology, indigenous knowledge, climate justice, and consumption in the Anthropocene, taking a global perspective.

Academy of Arts
Hanseatenweg, 19th and 20th August 2023

Time to Listen Grafik

About the Conference »Time to Listen« 2023

The program of the Time to Listen conference included two full days of sound walks, tours of sound installations with presentations, open discussion sessions, workshops, listening sessions, lectures and concerts.

Performance Time to Listen 2023

Report: »Time to Listen 2023« - Sessions

On August 20, artists, musicians and researchers were invited to reflect on the relationship between sound and ecology. The eight sessions addressed central themes and questions of the symposium.


Short Residency

The residency is closed. The program was aimed at composer or sound artist who are you interested in participating in an examination of how art and music can influence how we think about climate and sustainability in collaboration with other artists and composers from Denmark, Faroe Island...


Call for Proposals

We invited artists, activists, and sustainability researchers to propose sessions for the Open Space on 20 August at the Academy of Arts that they would like to lead during the symposium.