Diversity and Decolonisation

25 April, 2023

Soundings Bild von Sound Across
©Sound Across

Although in some ways the independent contemporary music scene is defined precisely by its disengagement from hierarchical ways of working that perpetuate abuses of power and racism, it is not free from structural exclusion. On the contrary, it lacks diverse perspectives and non-normative bodies, attitudes, narratives and aesthetics.

In the past few years, field notes has organised numerous conferences and further education courses on the topics of anti-racism and diversity development as well as the decolonisation of contemporary music. Many of the events were able to be documented on video or in writing and can be viewed here.


Jessie Cox by Tilly Clifford

Interview | Jessie Cox on Multidimensional Spaces, Creolity, and Opacity

Composer and drummer Jessie Cox talks multidimensional spaces, creolity, opacity, and pop with Elisa Erkelenz ahead of the next edition of Outernational.

Keynote:  Sandeep Bhagwati »Curating Musicking as a Mode of Wakefulnes

Sandeep Bhagwati: Curating Musicking as a Mode of Wakefulness in Interesting Times

Composer and scholar Sandeep Bhagwati gave the keynote address at the conference: "Curating Musicking as a Mode of Wakefulness in Interesting Times".

George Lewis

George E. Lewis New Music Decolonization in Eight Difficult

My brief but memorable collaboration with the sound art collective Ultra-Red at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 2012 considered this question: “What is the sound of freedom?” I was reminded of this when I read an interesting interview with meLê yamomo in Outernational: “Wie klingt...

Elaine Mitchener

Interview | Elaine Mitchener on On Being Human as Praxis #31

"On Being Human as Praxis" was conceived by Elaine Mitchener. The vocal artist invited five different composers—Jason Yarde, Matana Roberts, Laure M. Hiendl, Tansy Davies, and George E. Lewis—to respond to the work of the Jamaican feminist and cultural theorist Sylvia Winter. It ...

Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Glaucia Peres da Silva und Nguyễn Thanh Thủy

Interview | There is no hierarchy.

Between 21 and 25 August, musicians, sound artists and scholars will meet at the Akademie der Künste on Hanseatenweg to address the current lack of critical engagement with and sparse artistic presence of the Sonic Global South. In conversation with co-initiator and sound artist Budhaditya...

What does Freedom Sound Like

Advisory Board - meeting notes

Thoughts and recommendations that came out of meetings held with the Advisory Board before the event on May 6-7. These meetings were long and intense; sometimes uncomfortable. Ideas were discussed freely, without any agenda.




What does Freedom Sound Like

What Does Freedom Sound Like?

Curating Diversity

Curating Diversity 2020

The symposium Curating Diversity in Europe, taking place on- and offline, offers a platform for keeping the discourse on diversity in contemporary music in Europe alive, developing potentials for transformation during a time of limited international encounters and swelling nationalistic cu...


Grafik zum Podcast

Audio | Transtraditionelle Musik

Die Musiker*innen Cymin Samawatie und Ketan Bhatti sprechen in diesem Podcast über Musik zwischen den Genregrenzen in einer Kulturlandschaft, die noch stark durch europäisch tradierte Genrebezeichnungen und Kategorien strukturiert ist.

Grafik zum Podcast

Audio | Rassismus erkennen und abbauen

Mit unserem Gast Tsepo Andreas Bollwinkel sprechen wir in diesem Podcast über das Thema Rassismus im Kulturbetrieb.

Grafik zum Podcast

Audio | Barrieren in der Kulturlandschaft

Thomas Böttcher, blinder Musiker und Komponist, spricht über die Themen Barrieren in der Musik und Barrierefreies Veranstalten.

  • Diversity

For further reading

Jeanine Meerapfel at Curating Diversity

Programm »Curating Diversity«

The symposium Curating Diversity in 2020 fell in the middle of the pandemic and therefore had to be planned in a hybrid way. The advantage today is that the entire programme of various keynotes and panels has been recorded and can be viewed here.

Curating Diversity

Curating Diversity 2020

The symposium Curating Diversity in Europe, taking place on- and offline, offers a platform for keeping the discourse on diversity in contemporary music in Europe alive, developing potentials for transformation during a time of limited international encounters and swelling nationalistic cu...

What does Freedom Sound Like

What Does Freedom Sound Like?

