¡Silencio, por favor!

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Musiktheater / Oper
  • Elektronische / Elektroakustische Musik
  • Klangkunst / Sound Art
  • Performance

The Search for silence...

Sun, 28.04.2024, 20:00 - 22:00 | English Theatre Berlin

person is standing on the left of the picture on a wavy, checkered background and holding up an antenna. Electromagnetic waves propagate from the tip of the antenna in concentric circles.
© Michael Weingart

The idea of absolute silence is both gratifying and threatening. Silence can be wellness or torture, a coveted resource or an absolute nightmare. But above all, it is an impossibility: "Try as we may to make a silence, we cannot," John Cage observed after visiting an anechoic chamber and encountering not silence but the buzzing of his nervous system and the throbbing of his blood.


Opera Lab Berlin // Björnsson & Marx

    John Cage, Cathy van Eck, Marta Zapparoli »Five - for any five instruments or voices / One10 - for violin / One8 - for cello / Telephones and Birds / Fontana or Williams Mix / Four - for string quartet« 2024 / 27.04.2024
  • Julia Marx & Thorbjoern Bjoernsson | Konzept / Dramaturgie
  • Francesca Verga | Bratsche
  • Guilherme Rodrigues | Violoncello
  • Marta Zapparoli | Antennen / Electronics
  • Evan Gardner | Künstlerische Leitung
  • Maria do Mar de Brito Lopes | Violine
  • Raphael Papo | Violine
  • Ula Liagaitė | Performance


  • English Theatre Berlin
  • Fidicinstraße 40
  • 10965 Berlin, Kreuzberg
  • Sun, 28.04.2024, 20:00 - 22:00
  • Break: keine
  • English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center (ETB | IPAC) is the German capital’s only producing and presenting organization in the Hauptstadt expressly dedicated to English, the 21st century lingua franca, as the working language, as a bridge between cultures, countries and traditions.

    We collaborate with both English native speakers and non-native speakers in order to achieve a continuous exchange between artists of different backgrounds who mutually inspire and influence each other to create something new together.

    Our year-round programming comprises the Producing Series – Made in Berlin (in-house productions), the Presenting Series (selected international productions and work from Berlin’s independent performing arts community), as well as our Performing Series (concerts, comedy and more from Berlin’s English performing arts community) and Pedagogy Series (cultural and drama education). We are a proud member of Berlin’s freie Szene, the independent performing arts community, and are currently developing platforms to share our work within Germany and abroad.

    We consciously use theater and performance as living, discursive forms to bring artists and audiences into conversation with each other about our shared city and the greater world we live in.

    English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center receives funding from the State of Berlin – Senate Department for Culture and Europe

Contact and funding

gefördert aus Mitteln aus dem Hauptstadtkulturfonds