Finanzierungsplan und Abrechnung
Digitale Workshopreihe ONpaper
Tue, 16.04.2024, 16:00 - 17:30
Tue, 16.04.2024, 16:00 - 17:30
In order for the grant money to be used in full after approval, the grant projects must be handled correctly in terms of content and finances. The basis for this is the »Kostenfinanzierungsplan«, whose function changes slightly with the grant being approved. The workshop teaches how to correctly retrieve and correctly account for grant funds and how to properly document and prepare proofs of use.
The correct communication with the funding agencies will also be discussed, as this is often the best protection against reclaims and unnecessary work steps.
The online workshop aims to impart basic knowledge and works with input units, group discussions, small group tasks and collegial exchange.
Language: German
Workshop leader: Marion Czogalla
The workshops are aimed at artists and organisers from the independent contemporary music scene in Cologne and Berlin and are free of charge.
Registration via the link below↓