Project funding

Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation

15 September, 2024

Logo der Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung

The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation is dedicated to contemporary music in a wide variety of ways. Alongside its annual presentation of the Ernst von Siemens Music Prize for an outstanding life’s achievement, three Composers Prizes are awarded per year. Prize winners are nominated and selected solely by the Board of Trustees.

Furthermore, the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation promotes festivals, concerts with premiere and repeat performances, composition commissions, symposiums and musicological publications worldwide. Another concern of the Music Foundation is the promotion of academies for young musicians and composers. In addition, the Music Foundation supports musical appreciation, children’s and youth projects which make New Music accessible to a new or young audience. The Board of Trustees awards funding to exceptionally high-quality projects from the many applications it receives. Projects large and small carry equal weighting.

You find an overview of the projects currently receiving funding here.
More information on making an application.

Applications can be submitted by the September 15 deadline, starting at the earliest in the following year. A decision on these applications will be made by the end of the respective year.
Applications can be submitted by the March 1st deadline, starting at the earliest in the second half of the year (from July). A decision on these applications will be made by the end of June. 

Next application deadline: September 15, 2023

Further information on the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation website.

  • Förderung
  • Projektförderung
  • EvS Musikstiftung

For further reading

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