
Here you will find an extensive array of videos, podcasts, work materials and reports from the contemporary music scene in Berlin to read, listen to and watch. You can access licensed content after registering in the login area.


Workshop Nele Möller

Video | Nele Möller »unrecording the field«

In Nele Möller's workshop, we reflect critically on the practice of field recording and pay attention to the agency of the recorded, especially of those that cannot give language-based consent.

Gilles Aubry beim Vortrag

Video | Gilles Aubry »Sawt, Bodies, Species«

Following the publication of his book »Sawt, Bodies, Species« Gilles Aubry shares findings from his research on ecological voices in Morocco.

Halim Sbai beim Vortrag

Video | Halim Sbai »Joudour Sahara Music Program«

In his lecture, Halim Sbai presents the work of the Joudour Sahara Music Program.

Foto aus dem Workshop

Video | Edoardo Micheli »Sonic Ecosystems and Listening Communities«

Starting from the latest developments in the field of ecoacoustics, this session includes a talk, a listening session and some sound imagination exercises on the inhabitation of ecosystems by acoustic communities that are constantly listening to each other.


Licensed content
Access possible after login

Guides | Development and Incorporation of Sustainability Guidelines

How can sustainability guidelines and mission statements establish a strong foundation for sustainability, cultural diversity, and climate protection? This text aims to provide insights on how music-makers and organisations in contemporary music can incorporate these tools into their work ...

Marta Stankevica, CC BY 4.0 Woman_Writing_a_Letter

Guides | How do I write a funding application?

This guide on writing applications encourages you to view the process less as a necessary evil (which it undoubtedly is) and more as a way of refining your project's concept.

Grafik zum Thema

Guides | Guide to Public Project Funding in Germany

This introduction to public funding in Germany is part of our series on funding and the application process. Our guide provides an overview of the background and general framework for cultural funding in Germany, the specifics of German funding law and, in the final section, practical issu...

Zeitgenössische Musik in Deutschland

Guides | Contemporary Music in Germany

Gina Emerson stellt ihr Forschungsprojekt dem Publikum des Open Spaces vor.

Video | Gina Emerson: Social-ecological sustainability in contemporary musical cultures

Künstlerin Nandita Kumar beim Vortrag vor den Teilnehmenden des Open Space.

Video | Nandita Kumar: Sounding the Quintessential