Nickolas Mohanna and Svarte Greiner
presented by Karlrecords
Do., 30.11.2023, 20:00 - 23:00 | Morphine Raum
Do., 30.11.2023, 20:00 - 23:00 | Morphine Raum
Karlrecords presents:
Nickolas Mohanna & Svarte Greiner
SVARTE GREINER is Erik K Skodvin´s alter ego, dwelling in shadows and the surreal since 2005.
NICKOLAS MOHANNA is an artist and composer based in New York. His practice deploys various media to fade the borders between music, sound and visual art, producing works from environmental and internet sounds to guitar and percussion. He also operates the publishing project R/O Editions from which he has released audio objects & artist books.
KARLRECORDS is an independent record label, founded in 2007 and based in Berlin