Organ Sequences XIX
Desert Drone, Werner Dafeldecker & Bryan Eubanks, Ayankoko, Alexander Markvart, Adam Asnan and ThreadedDreams™
So., 29.09.2024, 18:30 - 22:00 | Taborkirche Berlin Kreuzberg
So., 29.09.2024, 18:30 - 22:00 | Taborkirche Berlin Kreuzberg
Neunzehntes Kapitel einer DIY-Reihe, die der Dunkelheit, Orgeln und experimenteller Musik gewidmet ist.
Taborkirche (Taborstraße 17, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg)
Einlass 18:00 Uhr / Konzert 18:30-22:00 Uhr (Beginn um 18:30 Uhr!)
Desert Drone is the audiovisuals Techno/Industrial/Noise project of the italian musician Mauro Uda, based in Berlin, co-founder of Autonoma Industriale . His approach to live music, developed during the years through the obsession for dramatic and dark sounds, leads to a quasi-nihilistic and distorted music structure, with noisy rhythms and rough bass line that walk in an anti-utopic vision of the fact.
»Ayankoko’s »Beneath The Stains« squeals and shrieks through scratchy glitches and signals that crackle on a ghostly transmission.« The Wire Magazine
Werner Dafeldecker (b.1964, Austria)
His musical projects are often inspired and deduced by outside influences such as architecture, science, photography and film - partially resulting in the creation of graphical scores for various ensembles and instrumental performers. He has built up an extensive sound archive and created several electroacoustic pieces for radio and film, around ninety sound-recordings are documenting his artistic framework.
Bryan Eubanks (b. 1977, US) develops his music through solo work and collaboration. Since 1999 he has participated in many short and long term projects, and regularly presents his work internationally. Continually active in a variety of contexts: improvisation; composing electronic and acoustic works for small ensembles, solo instruments, computers, and electronics; organizing and curating concerts for other artists; building electronic instruments. He currently lives in Berlin.
Adam Asnan (b. 1983, UK) is an electroacoustic musician and location sound recordist, based between London and Berlin. His work promotes the aesthetic potential of sound-capture, amplification, auditory ‘imaging’ and the virtues of both acoustic and synthetic spatialisation. His compositions, live performances and collaborative projects have been presented across Europe, and has numerous recordings published in all formats.
Alexander Markvart - is an avant-garde musician, member of theater projects and organizer of events and festivals. Founder of such polystylistic musical formations as Studio of Unconscious Music (SUM) and Siberian Improvisation Company (SIC).
ThreadedDreams™ aka Romain Bertheau (b. 1983, FR)
Composer, organist, pianist, harpsichordist, noise musician (no-input mixer) and Vaporwave artist.
Won in 2001 the first price of the Piano international competition Euro-region Arras and the first price of the concorso internazionale di Musica Antica »Maurizio Pratola« in 2013.
Serving for two years at Organ Sequences.
Adam Asnan (geb. 1983, Großbritannien) ist ein elektroakustischer Musiker und Tontechniker, der zwischen London und Berlin lebt. In seiner Arbeit beschäftigt er sich mit dem ästhetischen Potenzial der Klangerfassung, der Verstärkung, der auditiven »Abbildung« und den Vorzügen der akustischen und synthetischen Verräumlichung. Seine Kompositionen, Live-Performances und gemeinschaftlichen Projekte wurden in ganz Europa präsentiert, und er hat zahlreiche Aufnahmen in allen Formaten veröffentlicht.
Alexander Markvart - ist ein Avantgarde-Musiker, Mitglied von Theaterprojekten und Organisator von Veranstaltungen und Festivals. Gründer von polystilistischen Musikformationen wie Studio of Unconscious Music (SUM) und Siberian Improvisation Company (SIC).
ThreadedDreams™ alias Romain Bertheau (geb. 1983, FR)
Komponist, Organist, Pianist, Cembalist, Noise-Musiker (No-Input-Mixer) und Vaporwave-Künstler.
Gewann 2001 den ersten Preis des internationalen Klavierwettbewerbs Euro-Region Arras und 2013 den ersten Preis des Concorso Internazionale di Musica Antica »Maurizio Pratola«. Zwei Jahre lang war er bei Organ Sequences tätig.