Split Friction
Konzertinstallation mit Birgit Ulher und Felix Mayer
Sun, 26.11.2023, 16:00 - 20:00 | Errant Sound
Sun, 26.11.2023, 16:00 - 20:00 | Errant Sound
Split Friction is an interdisciplinary project spanning the intersection between exhibition, video, performance, concert and sound installation. In a three-day exhibition at Errant Sound, several works by the Hamburg based artist will be presented in context and accompanied by the release of a publication of the same title. Two sound installations and several videos will be shown in alternation of about 20 minutes. In addition, a live concert in interaction with the installations will take place at 7 p.m. on all days.
The videos explore sounds generated by the movement of objects within indoor and outdoor spaces, recorded at locations with unique acoustic characteristics. The sound and concert installations "Public Transport" and "Robo Tins" create soundscapes with moving objects in the space, suitable for both performing a concert installation and presenting a standalone sound installation.
Birgit Ulher lives as a freelance musician, sound artist and composer in Hamburg. After her studies in the field of visual arts, she developed her own playing techniques and preparations with trumpet, radio, loudspeakers and objects. Apart from this material research, her special interest lays in the relationship between silence and sound. Her work includes acoustic and electroacoustic projects, solo performances, concert and sound installations, videos, concept pieces and concerts in the field of improvised / experimental music. She has received numerous grants from QO-2 Werkplaats (Brussels), Künstlerhaus Lukas (Ahrenshoop), AIR (Mexico City and Krems), among others, and travels internationally with her concert activities.