The Studio for Electroacoustic Music

Studio für Elektroakustische Musik_zeitgenössische Musik Berlin
©Tony Elieh

The Studio for Electroacoustic Music at the Akademie der Künste has a long tradition as a forum and laboratory for experimental sound art. Although the idea of establishing an experimental music studio at the Akademie der Künste der DDR (East German Academy of Arts) was already proposed in the 1960s, the Studio for Electroacoustic Music was only publicly inaugurated in 1986. However, even from 1980, it existed as a production venue and meeting point for composers and master students. Here, numerous productions were created and refined, concerts planned and organised, and seminars designed and held. After the two post-war Akademie der Künste founded in East and West Berlin were merged to recreate the historic institution, the Studio was relocated to provisional rooms. Finally, in mid-2012 the Studio moved to the central Akademie location in Berlin's Hansa quarter where it was festively re-opened.


The Studio for Electroacoustic Music aims to foster and promote new initiatives in time-based, performative, digital art at the interface of sound, music and technology. Its concrete tasks include the production of new works, designing and realising concerts with live electronic music as well as preserving and disseminating the historical repertoire of electroacoustic music. As a music production site, a sounding box, and a vibrant archive, the Studio is thus located in the constantly contested spaces between the past, present and future.

Guest Artists Programme

The Studio for Electroacoustic Music's residency programme is not only directed to composers and performers, but also to artists from all disciplines who regard sound as a central element in their artistic work. The Studio is open for projects of all types of electroacoustic music (from acousmatic to computer music and sound art), but also promotes artistic projects across other genres. In addition, the Studio provides advice on and support for educational projects, sound-based artistic practices, and research in the area of acoustics, music informatics and musicology.


The Studio offers artists, listeners and an interested general public an international forum where inspiring ideas are exchanged. Here, a key role is played by the cooperation with other structures in the Akademie (Sections, Fellows and the Archive) as well as universities and colleges, music festivals, and the artists programmes at other institutions.


Malte Giesen has been director of the Studio for Electroacoustic Music since June 2021. The Studio was founded by Georg Katzer. The Studio consults with an advisory council.

Advisory council

Arnold Dreyblatt (Visual Arts Section)
Annesley Black (Music Section)
Prof. Dr. Martin Supper (Universität der Künste Berlin)
Ludger Brümmer (Music Section)

Further information on the website of the Studio

  • Freie Szene
  • Akademie der Künste
  • Studio für Elektroakustische Musik

For further reading

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