singuhr — projects is conceived as a decentralized, nationally and internationally linked platform that aims to promote the development of sound art on various levels and to shape the field together with artists, scholars and intermediaries. singuhr — projects is a logical extension of the artistic work of the singuhr — hoergalerie, which has not only presented more than 80 exhibitions of national and international sound artists in Berlin since 1996, but also drawn attention to the overlapping creative areas of audiovisual art and media productions by staging performative projects as well as providing discourse and mediation programs of its own.
Since 2014, singuhr — projects’s work has been focused on both the development of new formats of production of site-specific art and on the development of an increasing number of co-operative, discursive and theoretical formats. The range of artistic productions extends from large festival projects with site-specific compositions to residency and exhibition projects in cooperation with existing project spaces, art and cultural initiatives.
Further information on the website of singuhr.