Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik

Eine Klangperformance mit einer Person draussen im Hof der Akademie der Künste, die Person trägt Badeanzug und eine Maske und spielt ein Instrument
©Stefanie Kulisch

Every year in september, the Month of Contemporary Music presentes the diversity of Berlin's contemporary music scene. The Month of Contemporary Music is organized by the scene itself: Ensembles, festivals and artists' are invited to participate in the program with events. The inm / field notes takes care of cross-festival communication. Through the common framework of the Month of Contemporary Music, the broad spectrum of activities of the Berlin scene can be represented and communicated to a wider public.

  • Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik
  • Freie Szene

For further reading

Zionskirche_zeitgenössische Musik Berlin


The historic church is located on the central Zionskirchplatz in Berlin-Mitte, on what was formerly the highest hill of Berlin, surrounded by an inviting park.

Zafraan Ensemble Berlin

Zafraan Ensemble

Zafraan stands for music that reflects today’s life, today’s society, today’s reality in all its facets.

Grafik Untergrün_zeitgenössische Musik Berlin


Untergrün is a series of concerts showcasing performance-based sonic art in all its forms.

Unerhörte Musik

Unerhörte Musik

Unerhörte Musik (Music Unheard-of) offers every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at the easy-going BKA Theatre concerts of late twentieth and 21st century chamber music performed by professional soloists and ensembles.



The Uferstudios for contemporary dance are a landmarked area in Berlin-Wedding that currently brings together a total of six partners from Berlin's independent dance scene.