
FAHRBEREITSCHAFT in Berlin-Lichtenberg is a lively art and commercial center with buildings dating mostly from the 1950s, an original GDR bar and a bowling alley. Before the fall of the Wall, it was the hub of the »Transport Department« of the Central Committee of the SED. 

Today, picture frame productions, a car paint shop, a car repair workshop, a boat builder, a recording studio and a print shop are located on the site. In addition, around 35 visual artists, dancers and musicians have found studio and rehearsal spaces here. The haubrok foundation regularly organizes cultural events in various concert and exhibition spaces, but these spaces, which are characterized by a mixture of historical architecture and exciting culture, can also be used externally. 

The rooms are not barrier-free.

More information on the website of haubrok foundation

  • Freie Szene
  • Fahrbereitschaft

For further reading

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Philharmonie Berlin

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