Errant Sound

Errant Sound
©Budhaditya Chattopadhyay: Co-sounding: Towards a Sonorous Land, Februar 2024, Foto: Georg Klein

Errant Sound

Through exhibitions, presentations, events, residencies and workshops, Errant Sound emphasizes the examination of processes and dialogues and promotes a dynamic and diverse approach to sound art. The collective, currently consisting of 21 members from the fields of sound composition, installation, media art, radio art and performance, sees itself as a self-managed, free initiative that operates without curatorial direction. Organized as a non-profit association, the project space has established itself in recent years as a focal point of Berlin's sound art scene.

Activities comprise experimental work in the field of sound art, including installation, performance, field research, voice, radio and public space. Discourse and exhibition series, talks and workshops such as Ready Making, Listening Biennale, Acousmatic Lectures, Anima Mundi, Sonic Art Bar are formats that are explicitly designed for public mediation.

The international sound art biennial Dystopia, organized by Errant Sound and with a focus on the Indian subcontinent, will take place for the third time in September 2024 in the premises of Haunt-Frontviews and the Galiläa Church. From July 2024, Errant Sound will also be active in the backyard of Gerichtstrasse 45. Access is barrier-free.

Further information on the website of Errant Sound.

  • Freie Szene
  • Errant Sound

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