EnsembleKollektiv Berlin, which emerged from the long-standing collaboration of four renowned Berlin ensembles for contemporary music, presents itself in its tenth year of existence in a renewed formation that, while rooted in the founding membership, has developed into an independent and more flexible structure. The ensemble, which has become a strong nexus of the independent Berlin scene, reflects the dynamic capacities that define this community. The breadth of musical experience and expertise of its founding members*, its extensive network of guests*, and the ensemble's unique collaborative ethos is put in service of a comprehensive and ambitious approach to large ensemble music making. The ensemble is regularly invited to major festivals across Germany and Europe, including the Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik, rainy days Luxembourg, Musica Viva Munich, Musikfest Berlin, Ultraschall Festival Berlin, and the MaerzMusik Festival.
Further information on the website of Ensemblekollektiv Berlin.