Tatiana Heuman & Flor Curci | Anaïs Tuerlinckx
Sentimental Punk #72 – Senses
Sat, 03.08.2024, 20:00 - 22:00 | Kotti-Shop
Sat, 03.08.2024, 20:00 - 22:00 | Kotti-Shop
Two soundtracks. One film Selection.
Sentimental Punk (SPUNK) invites sound artists to create soundscapes for works by avant-garde filmmakers. This time with film material by Vivienne Dick and live-soundtracks by Tatiana Heuman & Flor Curci (Duo) und Anaïs Tuerlinckx (Solo).
"In 1978, Vivienne Dick laid the first revolutionary foundations for no-wave cinema. The New York film movement broke away from rules and techniques in order to concentrate solely on instinct and the available means when making films. The Irishwoman came to New York at the age of 24 and filmed her first encounters with the leading figures of the New York punk scene in the clubs of Lower East Street. Since then, the spontaneity of the amateur actors and actresses, free camera movements, the blurring of the boundary between documentary and fiction and uncompromising transitions have become the hallmarks of her films." (arte)
20:00 Touch tour for people with visual impairments, introduction with free access to the AVA app for people with hearing impairments. People with hearing impairments are invited to sit down on one of the „sound chairs“ during the performance which transform the live sounds into vibration.
/ https://buerorix.de/sentimental-punk-accessibility-program/
20:30 Soundscape 1: Tatiana Heuman & Flor Curci
21:15 Soundscape 2: Anaïs Tuerlinckx