SabdaLab12 - Resonanz

  • Transtraditionelle Musik
  • Konzert

transtraditionelles Laboratorium mit Sören Birke, Eva Glasmacher und Mitglieder des Sabdagatitara Networks

Sun, 12.01.2025, 18:00 - 20:00 | Humboldt Forum

missing on the picture Hannes Teichmann
© sabdagatitara

[in Sanskrit:]
the crossing (tāra) of methods of making (gati) sound (śabda)

Singing or playing the jew's harp requires the musician's own body to make sound audible. Unlike the violin or organ, the singer's own body or that of the Jew's harp player must be brought into resonance in order to produce sound. What do we know about this?
Eva Glasmacher (classical singing) and Sören Birke (Jew's harp player) explore the phenomenon of resonance at SABDALAB12 by asking questions and making sounds. Resonance seekers and resonance experts are cordially invited to resonate with us.

Musicians from a wide range of genres, traditions and styles from the Śabdagatitāra musicians' network, founded in 2022, explore current forms, working methods and aesthetics of trans-traditional music-making together with changing guests on the 12th of every month at 6 pm in the Klangwerkstatt in the Humboldt Forum. Together and with the audience and fellow thinkers present, they reflect on their joint work and repeatedly play through new musical encounters. Admission is free, music lovers of all genres and cultures are welcome. A cooperation between the Media Department and Śabdagatitāra. Admission: large Schlüterhof - corner of the museum store.


Sabdagatitara Network

  • Sören Birke | Maultrommel
  • Eva Glasmacher | voice


  • Sun, 12.01.2025, 18:00 - 20:00
  • Break:
  • Meetingpoint: 6 to 6.15pm in the bigger courtyard (Schlüterhof) of the Humboldt Forum in front of the museum shop
  • freier Eintritt

Contact and funding