Roller Coaster Lore

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Elektronische / Elektroakustische Musik
  • Klangkunst / Sound Art
  • Konzert

Wed, 18.09.2024, 20:30 - 22:30 | KM28

a tangled mess of pink roller coaster cars and track bent into an impossible knot, with verticle white roller coaster tracks on the right of the image. The tracks are all bathed in golden pink sunset light, and they are set against a partially cloudy sky.
© Luke Nickel

In a smoggy near-future Berlin, AI has partially taken over the Bundestag, Spreepark is a collectively-run anarchist theme park, and consciousness might be arising in gasses found in the city's iconic pink and blue pipes.

In this new performance, co-creators and performers Luke Nickel and Weston Olencki weave together sound, image, sculpture, simulated roller coasters, and speculative fiction.

Second half: A solo set by Louis d'Heudieres, whose work speculatively (re)imagines pasts, presents and futures of human and non-human music-making.

Program Teil 1

    Luke Nickel & Weston Olencki »Roller Coaster Lore« 2024
  • Luke Nickel | laptop, video, roller coaster simulation, synthesizer
  • Weston Olencki | sound sculpture, electronics, laptop, objects

Program Teil 2

    Louis d'Heudieres »solo set« 2024
  • Louis d'Heudieres


  • Wed, 18.09.2024, 20:30 - 22:30
  • Break: yes
  • Doors 8pm / Start 8:30pm

Contact and funding

Sponsored by inm - initiative neue musik berlin e.V.