Intergenerational Traumas
Exhibition & Performance by Alex Louloudis
Sun, 08.12.2024, 20:00 - 23:55 | Petersburg Art Space PAS
Sun, 08.12.2024, 20:00 - 23:55 | Petersburg Art Space PAS
Intergenerational Traumas is an immersive art exhibition and performance by acclaimed musician and artist Alex Louloudis, which delves deep into the haunting legacy of WWII and its lasting impact on future generations. The exhibition examines the trauma passed down through Louloudis' family, particularly his maternal great-grandfather, Ilias Karamanlis, who was captured during the war and sent to a concentration camp. After his liberation, Ilias made the long and painful journey back to his hometown of Drama, Greece, only to find his wife shattered by the pain of his presumed death.
Through a unique journey of personal discovery, Louloudis retraced his great-grandfather's steps, traveling from Drama to Berlin by ground transportation. Along the way, he captured photographs, made field recordings, and gathered materials that now serve as the foundation for his solo drum performances and the exhibition itself. These pieces of art, together with daily journal entries penned during his journey, offer a profound window into Louloudis’ thoughts, experiences, and reflections on the trauma carried across generations.
The exhibition invites viewers to engage with both the personal and collective stories of trauma, loss, and healing. Louloudis blends visual, auditory, and performative elements to create a powerful narrative that underscores the importance of confronting history and healing together.
Throughout the exhibition, visitors will have the opportunity to experience Louloudis' work in a variety of formats, culminating in live performances that integrate his multimedia installations with his solo drumming. These performances will take place on select dates, offering an emotional and cathartic space for reflection.
For further information or press inquiries, please contact:
Alex Louloudis
About Alex Louloudis:
Alex Louloudis is a multidisciplinary artist known for his exploration of personal narratives through sound, and performance. His work often engages with the themes of memory and trauma. He is a drummer, composer and performer who has graduated from the New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music in New York City, has released four albums of his original music and his work has been presented in numerous places all over the world.
This Mobility Project is supported by Culture Moves Europe, a project funded by the European Union.
This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.