Festival Sacred Realism 2024 (Day 3 of 3)

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik

works by Ahti and Ahti, Östling and Herr, and Laura Steenberge

Fri, 06.12.2024, 19:30 - 23:30 | KM28

© Ahti and Ahti

Festival Sacred Realism 2024 concludes with works by Ahti & Ahti, Östling & Herr, and Laura Steenberge.

⁍ Marja Ahti (electronics, composition) & Niko-Matti Ahti (electronics, composition)

Finnish sound artists and members of the collective HIMERA perform a new piece—developed in residence at the solitary Örö Island, a former military base off the Finnish west coast—that focuses on acoustic explorations that open up to the materiality of sound within the continuous movement of natural life and the architectural particularities of bunkers and caves.

⁍ Rasmus Östling & Adrienne Herr, Respect & Admiration

Respect and Admiration is an indexical project of unfixed formatting, constructed of implementations of various kinds, such as quasi-lectures, listening groups, audio plays, speculative maps, slideshows, tools, and multifaceted publications. Taking Red Bull and its Music Academy as its core structure and subject of study, the project aims to pick the low-hanging fruit by questioning and satirizing an overtly problematic channel of expression.

⁍ Laura Steenberge, Piriforms (2010) for four voices

performed by The Present: Olivia Stahn, Hanna Herfurtner, Bernadette Beckermann, Amélie Saadia


  • Fri, 06.12.2024, 19:30 - 23:30
  • Break:
  • early start: Doors 19:30 / Concert 20:00

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