Ensemble Polysono

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Konzert

Musik als Quell der Resilienz

Sun, 26.01.2025, 19:00 - 20:15 | Elias-Kuppelsaal

Ensemble Polysono
© Martin Spiess

Press release / description of the Polysono tour 2025: Music as a source of resilience

What is the role of art when the world is falling apart? It helps to strengthen resistance and the so-called resilience, and to counteract the dull reality with a rich spiritual world. It is about showing new, innovative ways of human coexistence and focusing on cooperation rather than confrontation. Music not only depicts the current situation in the world, but can also provide new impulses and show perspectives.

The “Ensemble Polysono” has always been committed to the search for new musical means of expression, for uncompromising radicalism in the artistic field, in order to critically reflect on human existence in the world and to open up new worlds of experience through new sound visions and to show that there are completely different possibilities beyond the usual that contain enormous potential.

Creativity is a way of processing events in the world and taking a different approach to them.
This is also reflected in the new tour program. It presents works by modern classics such as Karlheinz Stockhausen and Iannis Xenakis as well as premieres of new works that were written in the present day and critically reflect them. There are works for very different ensembles such as flute solo or violoncello solo, duos for soprano and baritone or violin and piano, trios for flute, clarinet and piano, quartets for soprano, bass flute, bass clarinet and violoncello, or the concluding sextet that unites all ensemble members for the grand finale. This corresponds to very different expressive attitudes that bring us closer to different sides of human existence in musical form. These are facets of music that are intended to inspire, stimulate and perhaps also touch and make you think.

The "Ensemble Polysono" from Basel specializes in the performance of sophisticated contemporary music and tours Switzerland and several major cities in Europe every year (including Basel, Bern, Zurich, Munich, Berlin, Vienna, London). The programs include both premieres and revivals of high-quality and relevant works. The focus of the programs is always on innovative ideas and concepts that derive their tension from the dialectical debate between different aesthetic viewpoints. "The diversity of sounds as a program is something like the guiding principle of the Ensemble Polysono. This Basel formation always attracts attention with colorful and contrasting programs." (Swiss Radio DRS, February 17, 2011.)


Ensemble Polysono, Basel

    Karlheinz Stockhausen »Xi« für Flöte solo (1986)
    Iannis Xenakis »Kottos« für Violoncello solo (1977)
    René Wohlhauser »Uom Raswékje« für Sopran und Bariton, auf ein Gedicht des Komponisten (2012)
    René Wohlhauser »Trio für Flöte, Klarinette und Klavier Nr. 1« Ergon 101, Musikwerknummer 2260, (2024), Uraufführung
    René Wohlhauser »Duo für Violine und Klavier Nr. 4« Ergon 97, Musikwerknummer 2244 (2024)
    René Wohlhauser »Merkglühen« für Sopran, Baßflöte, Baßklarinette und Violoncello, auf ein Gedicht des Komponisten (2024), Uraufführung
    René Wohlhauser »Duo für Violine und Violoncello Nr. 1« Ergon 103, Musikwerknummer 2271 (2024), Uraufführung
    René Wohlhauser »Quartett für Flöte, Klarinette, Violine und Violoncello Nr. 1« Ergon 67, Musikwerknummer 1849 (2018)
    René Wohlhauser »Am Rande« für Sopran, Bariton, Flöte, Klarinette, Violine und Violoncello, auf ein Gedicht des Komponisten (2024) Uraufführung
  • Christine Simolka | Sopran
  • Isabelle Meraner | Flöte
  • Cássio Braga da Costa | Klarinette
  • Ruth Ten | Violine
  • Isaura Guri Cabero | Violoncello
  • René Wohlhauser | Bariton, Klavier, Leitung


  • Elias-Kuppelsaal
  • Göhrenerstraße 11
  • 10437 Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg
  • https://ekpn.de/
  • Sun, 26.01.2025, 19:00 - 20:15
  • Break: Keine Pause

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