AIODE - Apocalypse

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Improvisierte Musik
  • Elektronische / Elektroakustische Musik
  • Konzert

Musikdialog Mensch und künstliche Intelligenz

Sat, 21.09.2024, 19:00 - Sun, 22.09.2024, 22:00 | Spreehalle Berlin und HTW Berlin

AIODE KeyVisual
© NurBaute Berlin

AIODE - Apocalypse is an experimental concert format that arises from the musical dialog between musicians and artificial intelligence. The technologically and artistically advanced first two sub-projects by Sara Glojnarić (premiere), Nicola Hein (premiere) and Malte Giesen in collaboration with the Marc Sinan Company and the Robot Orchestra of the Logos Foundation Gent will be presented on September 21, 2024 in our Spreehalle Berlin and on the day after on the grounds of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences as part of the HOLITOPIA Festival 2024.

Program Teil 1

Marc Sinan Company

    Sara Glojnarić »TRAINING MODELS« 21.09 | 19:30 | Spreehalle Berlin 2024/UA
  • Marc Sinan | Gitarre
  • Daniel Eichholz | Percussion
  • Magdalena Cerezo Falces | Klavier

Program Teil 2

Marc Sinan Company

    Malte Giesen »DESPACITO VARIATIONS« 21.09 | 19:50 | Spreehalle Berlin 2024
  • Marc Sinan | Gitarre

Program Teil 3

Marc Sinan Company

    Nicola L. Hein »CYBERNETIC ENSEMBLE« 21.09 | 20:15 | Spreehalle Berlin und 22.09 | 16:00 | HTW 2024/ UA
  • Susanne Fröhlich | Bass Recorder
  • Viola Yip | Bulbble
  • Nicola Hein | Guitar, Electronics, AI Programming Musical Agents
  • 5 Roboter Musiker:innen


  • Spreehalle Berlin und HTW Berlin
  • Reinbeckstraße 16
  • 12459 Berlin, Treptow-Köpenick
  • Sat, 21.09.2024, 19:00 - Sun, 22.09.2024, 22:00
  • Break: /
  • On 21 September, the Spreehalle Berlin invites you to AIODE - Apocalypse as part of the Holitopia Festival. On 22 September, another event under this name will take place at the HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof in Oberschöneweide.

    The SPREEHALLE Berlin, located on the listed former AEG factory site, provides internationally renowned artists of the contemporary avant-garde with a free, cross-genre production and performance venue for performance, music theatre, dance, installations and electronics. All projects are characterised by a transcultural and transmedia approach and are always committed to social relevance.
  • Freier Eintritt

Contact and funding

Sponsored by inm - initiative neue musik berlin e.V.
Gefördert von Hauptstadtkulturfonds | initiative neue musik berlin e.V. | Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik